
About KEPsoft

KEPsoft is a flexible software product to enable transplantation organisations to operate and optimise their Kidney Exchange Programmes (KEPs). It has a modular structure to enable integration with software from other providers, allowing customers to retain existing software solutions where this is preferred. The three KEPsoft modules are as follows:

the Main Module, capturing registrations of clinical data relating to recipients and donors, allowing constraints and optimality objectives to be configured according to user requirements, and enabling matching runs to be executed;

the HLA Module, conducting the virtual cross-matching process by determining the existence of unacceptable donor Human Leukocyte Antigens for a recipient at both low and high resolution;

the Optimisation Module, computing an optimal solution at a matching run, taking into account a wide range of available user-specified constraints and objectives which can be optimised either hierarchically or via multi-objective optimisation.

HLA Compatibility

Determines medical compatibility between recipients and donors.


Includes the front-end user interface, as well as the database.


Constructs an optimal set of kidney exchanges based on donor and recipient compatibility profiles.

KEPsoft is based on European best practices, developed from examples and views from KEPs of various leading NTOs. The software modules offer compliance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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