

The following organisations have been engaged in testing and trial runs of KEPsoft alongside their existing software, supporting KEPsoft’s ongoing improvement, with a view to adopting KEPsoft for their national / international kidney exchange programmes in the future:

KEPsoft Collaborative is also working with a range of other supporters and collaborators as follows:

KEPsoft Collaborative is working closely with The Ventures Lab, a Scottish Government backed social impact venture builder managed by The Challenges Group, which provides active commercial and flexible financial support to high potential organisations in their formative years.

KEPsoft Collaborative, as a social enterprise, works with CEIS, one of the UK’s leading social enterprise development agencies.

We work with CEVA Global, who provide strategic advice to organisations in the NHS, healthcare, pharmaceutical and life sciences.

   KEPsoft has been developed as a collaborative project involving the following institutions: 

KEPsoft Collaborative is also working closely with the following institution:


In this section we acknowledge previous and current funding that has been instrumental in helping KEPsoft Collaborative to reach its present position.

KEPsoft evolved from software created as part of COST Action CA15210 (ENCKEP :European Network for Collaboration on Kidney Exchange Programmes).  It was then further developed as part of the COST Innovators Grant IG15210 (KEP-SOFT: Software for Transnational Kidney Exchange Programmes).

Some development of KEPsoft at the University of Glasgow has been made possible by EPSRC grant EP/X013618/1 (KidneyAlgo: New Algorithms for UK and International Kidney Exchange).

The spin-out process of KEPsoft Collaborative CIC has been supported by a University of Glasgow EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account project, funded by grant EP/X525716/1.

Further development of KEPsoft is being supported by EU4Health grant 101160850 (EURO-KEP: Developing a European Kidney Exchange Programme), administered by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA).

KEPsoft Collaborative is funded by the University of Glasgow’s MedTech Innovation Fund as part of the Entrepreneurial Campus Program (funded by the Scottish Funding Council University Innovation Fund, the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the University of Glasgow’s MRC Impact Accelerator Account (IAA) Award).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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